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Treating anxiety and depression with neurofeedback (July 2020)
How is the pandemic affecting my brain? (June 2020)
Anyone can suffer from anxiety. Neurofeedback can help. (April 2020)
Anyone can suffer from anxiety. Neurofeedback can help. (March 2020)
Why is my child struggling in school? (February 2020)
Young people can suffer from anxiety. Neurofeedback can help. (December 2018)
Is neurofeedback an effective treatment for anxiety and depression? (November 2018)
Does everyone need brain training? (September 2018)
Am I controlling the way I think or is it controlling me? (August 2018)
Why do I have the summertime blues? (July 2018)
Brain waves (June 2018)
Why am I so stressed? (May 2018)

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